Wearing wigs is fun, stylish, and convenient. I am always entertained by how my look changes with every hairpiece I wear or try on. Wigs have become like the clothes we wear, an expression of how we choose to present ourselves to the world and the people we engage with. Work may be demanding and caring for a family includes many duties, so to be able to put a hairstyle on like a shirt seems only fair. Yes, we love our wigs. They are our balance. But as much as we enjoy the wig lifestyle, it’s not inclusive to our body-only an accessory to it. Therefore, wearing a wig should never compromise the state of our real hair. Your hair deserves the opportunity to grow and be healthy just as the body itself. Your hair doesn’t have to suffer. I encourage you to take these tips into consideration and learn to grow your hair while wearing a wig.

1.) Never attach your wig to your hair when wet. Doing so can cause mildew and unpleasant smell. Whether you are leaving from the show or swimming pool, make sure your hair is completely dry before putting your wig back on your head.

2.) Keep your hair braided while wearing a wig. Braiding the hair prevents the hair from matting up, which leads to breakage. Matted or tangled hair is difficult to comb through, causing loss of hair in the process.

3.) Keep hair heavily oiled while braided. Similar to a stick and olive branch, the hair breaks easily when dry and lacking moisture. But like an olive branch with oil, it becomes flexible and grows.

Wig Hero is here to save your wigs and give you an instant look that will help you feel beautiful and confident. We strive to provide top-quality services and styles. Don’t ever compromise your own hair in the process, because you can grow your hair while wearing your wigs.